Is my Sheltie lonely?

by Alice
(New York)

Me, B and C

Me, B and C

Sadly my seven year old Sheltie boy died this past summer after a long struggle with CRF. I miss him and I think my ten year old Sheltie girl misses him too. She never used to like to socialize with other dogs on her walks and now she is friendly to quite a few dogs she meets.

She is possessive of me and I don't want to acquire another dog if that would make her sad or jealous or diminish her quality of life. But maybe she might like a friend, either a puppy or an adult Sheltie?

I work at home, so she is not alone.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

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Aug 27, 2016
Adding to the household
by: Yankee Shelties

As I've said before (see my comments below) a lot depends on the individual sheltie. Certainly, your girl having been around other shelties at the breeder's home would be used to additional dogs. Most shelties I know get along with each other. Perhaps you could see how she behaves around any friends' dogs to get a better idea if she would enjoy company or is content by herself. Or purchase a dog from a breeder that has it in their contract that they will take their dog back at any time if it doesn't work out for you.

Aug 27, 2016
Best buds?
by: Anonymous

We adopted a retired conformation show champion. She had one litter & did not go in season again so her owner sold her to us. She doen not know how to play, is a gentle, bark softened 6 y o lady. I am wondering if a companion dog would be helpful for her.

Mar 26, 2016
Thank you
by: Alice

Thank you, Anonymous, for sharing your story of your Shelties becoming such good friends, and thank you, Yankee Shelties, for your suggestions about making sure a young puppy doesn't overwhelm my ten-year-old Sheltie girl, and for reminding me about that wonderful puppy energy. I very much appreciate both your thoughtful replies. I haven't yet come to a decision about whether my girl would be happier with a companion.

Mar 25, 2016
Every Dog Has Its Own Personality
by: Yankee Shelties

It's hard to say if an older dog will enjoy a new pup or feel overwhelmed. It depends so much on the individual.

My biggest piece of advice is if you do decide to purchase a pup, to watch your older dog and if he or she looks like she has had enough of puppy antics to put the puppy in an exercise pen. Don't expect the older dog to always put up with puppy energy.

The other half of the equation is, if you have had adults for a while , you have forgotten how much energy a puppy has and keeping up with him or her can be a shock.

That being said, puppies certainly keep me young and active, so find a good breeder in your area and spend some time with the puppies to get a better idea if it would be good for both of you.

Mar 25, 2016
by: Anonymous

We just purchased a Yankee Sheltie puppy because our 4 year old Papillon missed her best buddy who died in June of 2015.
It has only been a week but they are already best of friends. The 4 year old is like her old self and plays endlessly with the puppy. she is now the "older sister" and allows the puppy to pull her ears, wrestle her toys away from her and in general tolerates all the antics of a puppy. I am so happy I did this. I believe I've given our older dog a new lease on life and the fun of having a friend who "speaks her language" Best of luck, I highly recommend a new playmate for your girl.

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