My Cash

by Brad F. Stender
(Westport Ct.)

When he was a very young pup, while watching a John Wayne movie for his first time, when he heard Wayne's voice he stared at the set and then crawled up around my neck and stayed their until movies end. Cash is 10 now and still does the same neck movie watching!

He has added Bob Mitchum to his favorite list of actors! And I love it to this day. And he did it with no prompting ever!

Brad Stender

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Nov 19, 2016
by: jan

are you sure he wasn't just scared of a strong, male voice?

Feb 01, 2016
Shelties Wrap Around Your Heart As Well As Your Neck!
by: Yankee Shelties

LOL! Too cute! There is something about high places that shelties like, for sure! And of course the good taste to like "the Duke" is just plain ol' sheltie smarts!

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