Stinker pants

by Sandra J Maday
(Evergreen, CO USA)

I was the 4th owner of this adorable bi-black sheltie by the time he was 6 months old. He was such a trouble maker nobody kept him very long. His name is Wyatt but my girlfriend calls him Stinker pants and the name suits him much better. He was so smart, he knew exactly when his training session was over and he would revert back into his mischievous self. Stealing dirty under wear from the laundry basket and leaving them in the yard, or barking like there was something going on outside so his buddy would come to check it out - meanwhile Wyatt could steal his bone or take his spot on the sofa.
He even chewed up the cover of my book "30 days to a well mannered dog". I love my sheltie and feel so blessed to have him, he has even trained me to put my shoes away.

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Oct 18, 2020
Sounds like my "Twinkle Little Star"
by: Sandradee77

My Star is 2 and she must be related to Stinker Pants. She must have internal radar for underpants and socks. She will even stick her nose into the holes in a laundry basket to draw out a pair - and then with razor sharp precision can scissor through the crotch in 2 minutes.

She also runs outside, hearing leaves when they leave the tree and before they hit the ground. She barks incessantly until her brother comes out, and then they run the fence arguing over who is more ferocious.

However, she is the most loving girl ever. She must be part feline because she is nimble and limber and can jump 3 times her height (she is small and light!). She shies away from hugs, but will come up on my chest and use her little feet to tap me on the face and then give big kisses.

As annoying as it is to have to go "commando" and sockless, and have meetings interrupted by barking - I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Feb 13, 2016
by: Liz Ramsey

I live a bi black. you are very lucky to have him passed down to you. I can see he likes mud and water, that isn't a sheltie trait. would love to hear more of his adventures.

Feb 04, 2016
They Keep You On Your Toes
by: Yankee Shelties

Stinker pants sounds like a piece of work! "Smart" is an understatement in his case! But I'd rather have a super smart dog than one where "the lights are on but no one is home." Sounds like he found the right home for him, as you appreciate his wit in spite of the end results in some cases.

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