Stinker pants
by Sandra J Maday
(Evergreen, CO USA)
I was the 4th owner of this adorable bi-black sheltie by the time he was 6 months old. He was such a trouble maker nobody kept him very long. His name is Wyatt but my girlfriend calls him Stinker pants and the name suits him much better. He was so smart, he knew exactly when his training session was over and he would revert back into his mischievous self. Stealing dirty under wear from the laundry basket and leaving them in the yard, or barking like there was something going on outside so his buddy would come to check it out - meanwhile Wyatt could steal his bone or take his spot on the sofa.
He even chewed up the cover of my book "30 days to a well mannered dog". I love my sheltie and feel so blessed to have him, he has even trained me to put my shoes away.